Recover your I Am. Release the Mask!

By Paula G

The beauty of recovery is that it is always an option. We have to remember that when we get discouraged about our failures or setbacks.


Our lives are filled with so many ups and downs, twists, and turns, and unexpected seasons.  The loss of a home, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a marriage, the loss of finances, we all incur some level of loss. The question is, how do we handle that loss? How do we get past that moment, that season, that discouragement, that depression? We have to view the situation from the perspective of this being an opportunity to have a fresh start. Many of us who have gone through divorce cannot see life beyond the moment. I recall someone saying that to me when I divorced almost 20 years ago. I couldn’t see it and certainly didn’t want to hear it. However, I eventually began to realize that I was at the threshold of opportunity. It was indeed a fresh start, and it certainly was an incredibly difficult journey, but it was necessary as it is for each and every one of you. A fresh start is necessary when life deals you a difficult blow. As I reflect on my own journey there were some things, I had to do to recover my I Am.

  • Process! Yes! Process what was happening in my life. After 23 years of marriage and suddenly being single, ummm…. that’s a process. If you are currently going through a relationship change, please allow yourself the space to process your emotions and feelings.


  • Help! Yes, reach out for help! We often avoid reaching out and asking for help but some things we were not meant to endure alone. Discern who you can share with because your business is not meant to be shared with everyone. The right person or persons can be instrumental in helping you through the difficulty.


  • Assess where you are in life. What are your assets? What are you good at? What can you keep doing? What do you need to do differently? What, if any, training do you need?


  • Reclaim your “I am.” When we are dealing with any kind of loss, sometimes a part of us is lost as well. Being able to restart provides the opportunity to examine yourself to see what you are really made of. The authentic you and what that person has to offer instead of the person who was present to mask the remnants of difficult times.

There is a lot of work that goes into building our lives, homes, careers, relationships and so on. When we find ourselves in the position of having to start over, let’s not be discouraged. Let’s look at it as an opportunity to discover new ideas, new ways of doing things, new relationships so that we can remove the mask and embrace a fresh start.

I am Paula G Voice!


Lifestyle model, Voiceover artist, host of the TV Talk Show My Journey with Paula G, author of My Journey to Lady Wisdom After Midnight, Mindset Journey Mentor and Media course creator. I help clients by teaching and showing them how to transform their lives. I give them the tools to unlock their purpose and enhance their personal development. It is never too late to embrace your journey and live your dream! Flourish!



FB: Paula G Voice

IG: @paulagvoice

Linked In: Paula G Voice

Photo Credit: Marie Thomas


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